Bradford 2025 logo Bradford 2025

Open Data Strategy

25 July 2024


This short presentation outlines the principles, stakeholders, data sources, technical platform and key milestones that will shape the Bradford 2025 open data workstream.

Open data workstream

  • Publish output indicators openly…
    Available for anyone to find and use
  • Present key metrics on a data dashboard
    Easy-to-use graphics present the story in data.
  • Perform regular automated updates
    New “live” data published every day


Increases data visibility
Bradford 2025 team decisions based on data
Improves data quality
Using data helps identify issues early
Demonstrates transparency
Allows public scrutiny of progress and value
Supports evaluation
Less quantitative analysis needed → more qualitative analysis possible

This strategy was prepared during July 2024 by Open Innovations, a Leeds-based not-for-profit working on innovation with data.

They built the LEEDS 2023 data microsite, and are working on legacy projects with Leeds City Council and the University of Leeds.


A clear set of principles will help justify the organisational change.


Data-literate organisation
The Bradford 2025 organisation will make meaningful and proactive use of data to inform decision making.
Data quality is everyone's business
By making use of our data we will spot problems as they occur and can fix them while the information is still fresh.
Radically transparent
We will publish data that shows an honest appraisal of our progress. As an organisation in receipt of public-funding, we welcome public scrutiny.


We need to know who will use the data so we can ensure we meet their needs.

Stakeholder groups

Internal — Bradford 2025 team Direct — Known external people Indirect — Unknown external people

Priorities will be based on stakeholder needs

The following pages summarise stakeholder needs using this format →

Stakeholder name

Aim: Their aim in relation to data

Internal stakeholders

  • Evaluation

    Aim: Evaluate the success of Bradford 2025 against stated aims

  • Board / Trustees

    Aim: Understand progress, be accountable and demonstrate transparency

  • Youth Panel

    Aim: Assess youth-focussed aspects

  • Audiences

    Aim: Focussed audience engagement, communicationss and PR campaigns

  • Engagement

    Aim: Assess and extend grassroots and community engagement

  • Programme

    Aim: Track quantity and quality of events

  • Operations

    Aim: Efficient running of key processes

  • Development

    Aim: Build relationships and attract investment

  • Education, skills and wellbeing

    Aim: Support legacy goals

The Bradford 2025 team

There are some overriding internal aims

  • Information is easily at hand and reliable
  • Feedback loops are in place, allowing early course corrections
  • Time spent writing reports (e.g. for funders) is reduced

Direct stakeholders

  • Bradford Metropolitan District Council

    Aim: Assess inclusive growth; recipient of legacy

  • West Yorkshire Combined Authority

    Aim: Key funder; Cross-CA opportunities

  • Bradford Institute for Health Research

    Aim: Extend Born In Bradford research

  • Key funders

    DCMS, Arts Council, National Lottery

    Aim: Get "live" updates on progress

  • Private sector sponsors

    Aim: Assess return on investment

  • Yeme Tech

    Aim: Build on existing social models

  • University of Bradford

    Aim: Research project opportunities

  • University of Leeds

    Aim: Research project opportunities

  • Centre for Cultural Value

    Aim: Research project opportunities

  • Bradford Producing Hub

    Aim: Support partnership

People we are actively working with or speaking to

Indirect stakeholders

  • Bradford residents

    Aim: Feel involved in Bradford 2025 and access benefits

  • Bradford based private-sector

    Aim: Benefit from increased visitors and economic investment

  • Bradford-based national portfolio organisations

    Aim: Partnership / co-creation opportunities and benefits

  • Schools and colleges

    Aim: Enhance arts education offer

  • Local arts organisations

    Aim: Engage with Bradford 2025

  • WYCA and Other councils

    Aim: Learn from Bradford 2025, share resources

  • Journalists and the Media

    Aim: Develop stories about Bradford 2025

Other people interested in the data

Data Sources

We need to catalogue what data will be published and where it will be sourced.

The story of change

The story of change identifies Inputs, Outputs and Outcomes leading to Impact.

Inputs andactivities Outputs Outcomes Impacts andambitions

The open data workstream and live dashboard will focus on Inputs and Outputs.

Source mapping

Each prioritised input or output will map to a source.

Technical Platform

We need to document how the data is processed, stored and presented.

Technical platform overview
Open Data publishing Data processing Live dashboard Reference data Published datasets Data publishing pipelines Data extract pipelines Airtable Ticketing Typeform Rosterfy Cision SproutSocial WebAnalytics Others& ad hoc Data sources (systems, third-parties, ad hoc data)
Data sources
Data is collected via many routes, some well-structured and some “messy”.
Data processing
Automated pipelines extract, cleanse, anonymise and summarise ready for publishing.
Open data publishing
Data is catalogued and made available for use under clear licensing terms.
Live dashboard
The live data dashboard presents data about Bradford 2025 in an easy-to-interpret style.
Reference data
Processing and visualisation depends on reference data like lists of venues and map layouts.

Data processing

Pipelines are responsible for extracting data from source systems and getting ready for publication:

  • Cleansing
    …validating, fixing and converting varying data formats.
  • Anonymising
    …removing personally identifiable data so it is safe to publish.
  • Summarising
    …by event, date, geography, etc.

Open Data publishing

Data needs to be

Made publicly available…
A web site or source code repository work well
…catalogued so it can be found…
Data portal such as Northern Data Hub, Data Mill North or a culture-focussed observatory.
…with documentation
Describing the source, processing and publication timeline

Data infrastructure

Built and left as a legacy for the culture sector.

Reference datasets
Bradford venues (location, capacity, accessibility);
Bradford-based cultural organisations;
…and others…
Code libraries
Statistical methods for survey preparation;
Source system connectors.
Geospatial mapping and visualisation
Address to geography lookup;
Geographic base maps, hexmaps
Standards for sharing data

Geographies are difficult

Bradford district
“Official” boundary of Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture;
Some communities identify strongly with a BD postcode BUT others identify as separate from Bradford.
Bradford Postcode areas
Some are totally outside council area;
Some Bradford MDC postcodes are from other postal towns (e.g. LS29, HX3);
No clear mapping to council wards.

Larger, rural areas can visually swamp smaller, urban areas.

BaildonBingleyBingley RuralBolton and UndercliffeBowling and BarkerendBradford MoorCityClayton and Fairweather GreenCravenEccleshillGreat HortonHeatonIdle and ThackleyIlkleyKeighley CentralKeighley EastKeighley WestLittle HortonManninghamQueensburyRoydsShipleyThornton and AllertonTollerTongWharfedaleWibseyWindhill and WroseWorth ValleyWyke
Hexmap Baildon Bingley Bingley Rural Bolton and Undercliffe Bowling and Barkerend Bradford Moor City Clayton and Fairweather Green Craven Eccleshill Great Horton Heaton Idle and Thackley Ilkley Keighley Central Keighley East Keighley West Little Horton Manningham Queensbury Royds Shipley Thornton and Allerton Toller Tong Wharfedale Wibsey Windhill and Wrose Worth Valley Wyke

Hexmaps give all areas the same visual weight

Outline plan

Understanding critical dependencies will help ensure appropriate planning of milestones.

Illustrative timeline and milestones

Jul 24 Oct 24 Jan 25 Apr 25 Jul 25 Oct 25 Jan 26 Apr 26 Programme launch Data / dashboard sprint 1 Data / dashboard sprint 2 Data / dashboard sprint 3 Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture Evaluation checkpoints Other stakeholder reporting Data / dashboard maintenance Data / dashboard sprints Evaluation reporting starts Data / dashboard finalisation

Work strands

There are two distinct, interrelated strands of work

Data publishing
Create data publishing pipelines;
Store pipeline code and open data stored in a repository;
Set up automated, scheduled pipeline execution.
Dashboard creation
Build data visualisations;
Create website to host data, with Bradford 2025 branding;
Update as data updates.

Contracting options

Scope Combined Separated Timescale Full Phased Pipeline build Dashboard build
Combined: single supplier
Separated: more flexible allocation
Full: implies complete plan up front, more risk uplift
Phased: more agile delivery
Single work package: larger value, more involved procurement process
Many work packages: more flexible, but more procurements

Initial contract recommendation

Let two initial contracts, with a final milestone to tie in with programme release.

  • Contract 1: publish one prioritised dataset (either volunteers or planned events)
  • Contract 2: create dashboard and visualise one dataset

Benefits of separating into two contracts:

  • allows governance of data release to be managed
  • decouples timing - publication can start before dashboard work
  • live dashboard is positioned as a user of the open data

Subsequent contracts

Having learned from this delivery, further contracts can be let with appropriate scope and timescale.
  • Publish further data and visualise additional datasets
  • Maintain the pipelines and dashboard: fix on fail and make minor amendments under a draw-down contract
  • Pipeline / live dashboard archival: disable pipelines and finalise site at end of the year

