Terminology that is used to describe concepts is an important aspect to clear communication.

Key concepts

The main aim of the Bradford 2025 Data Dashboard is to present information about the Bradfird City of Culture 2025 programme. This is primarily segmented by

Primary data extracted direct from Bradford 2025 operational systems.
Reports integrating multiple themes to present a view of information about Bradford 2025.
Experiments / Trials / Explorations
Speculative data derived from novel or other open data sources. May be developed in partnership with research partners


Themes are the foundation of the Bradford 2025 Data Dashboard. Each theme contains data directly drawn from an operational system.

View the themes

Each theme will have it's own page of visualisations presenting the core information derived direct from that source of information.

A partial list is provided below.

ThemeSource system(s)
Scheduled EventsAirtable
Ticket SalesSpektrix
Event AttendanceAirtable


Insights aggregate multiple sources of data to produce information-dense reports. They aim to meet the needs of one or more Bradford 2025 stakeholders.

View the insights

Insights will be created for many purposes, potentially covering specific events, broader evaluation aims, or to meet the needs of specific stakeholders (e.g. funders, steering committees).

Experiments / Trials / Explorations

Bradford 2025 will work with experimental and innovative sources of data to underpin evaluation and reporting. These are presented as experiments.

View the perspectives

We term these sources of data experiments, to distinguish them from the strongly operational themes. If they prove useful the experiments might be added to the perspective reports.